Here we are, a full year into the phase of life commonly referred to as “the empty nest”—some of you are nodding sagely and others can’t begin to imagine such a time will come. I’m no expert (one whole year) and to be honest, I feel a bit of a cheat as our youngest...
I knew it was coming but it still hit me like a sledgehammer—today was the airport goodbye with my youngest heading back to University. It seems like 5 minutes ago I was ecstatic with a full heart picking him up from that airport ready for a l-o-n-g summer at home....
What’s not to love about multitasking? Simply knowing we are accomplishing at least two things at the same time (and looking like a pro) is something we hold in high esteem. As a writer, I spend much of my day hovering over my desk like a feminine version of The...
Something feels a bit “off” this week. Not bad. Different. A shift of sorts. And I now realize what it is— I have no teenaged kids anymore! Today my (six-foot) baby turns TWENTY and just like that, we are teen-less after raising three of them. We survived a span of...
Friend, can you believe we are HALFWAY THROUGH THE YEAR? For me, time has flown at an alarming rate and yet I seem to have stuffed a whole lot of living into a mere six months already. I’ve never consciously done this mid-year before—but I’m feeling the need to hit...
BOOKISH PROBLEMS: It’s hard to keep up with all the latest and greatest new books hitting the shelves. It just is. (Especially when your own is launching!) But when you are sent a copy to review or actually know the author, you simply have to spread the reading love....