The short story:
A published, award-winning Christian author, Laura writes heartwarming encouragement for your soul—especially in her numerous romantic suspense novels, as well as her teen fiction, marriage, and children’s books. Laura is a hope*writers certified writing coach, a book-loving chocoholic mom and nanny, and is married to her high school sweetheart. Originally from the UK, they now live the empty nest life in Kelowna, British Columbia, with their French bulldog!
The not-so-short story:
Hi friend— lean in and let’s talk details!
Firstly, my heart as a writer is to share words that not only entertain you as a reader but also encourage you in your everyday life, and maybe even inspire you to dig deeper in your faith.
I am very much a work in progress but I do have a little life experience under my belt! I was born and raised in the south of England, then spent my teens and early twenties in Wales, before embarking on an intrepid adventure—immigrating to Canada.
I’m married to Lyndon, my high school sweetheart (we started dating when I was 14!) and I’m Mom to three phenomenal young adult children and Nanny to our precious grandbabies. We are empty-nesters and live with Lulu (our crazy French bulldog) in Kelowna, a beautiful gem in British Columbia, where my author dreams have become a reality…

When I’m not writing, I adore reading—it really is my happy place. And if I can read on a beach, that’s pure perfection! Other passions include making memories with my sweet family, traveling anywhere and everywhere, baking delicious treats, hiking, marriage ministry, sporadic snowshoeing, Pilates, and eating chocolate.
My faith is everything to me, and I love being able to weave it into much of my writing. It truly is my ultimate desire to inspire fiction readers in their real lives with my stories of hope.
I was definitely a late bloomer—as a child, I was an absolute bookworm, but didn’t pursue my secret dream of writing until much, MUCH later… actually, 25 years later! That’s a story right there. But after two courses from the Institute of Children’s Literature (USA) and numerous submissions (and a slew of rejections), I eventually became a published author.
And now I have the joy of coming alongside other writers to help bring courage, confidence, and clarity to their writing journey as a hope*writers certified writing coach—all the details are HERE.
Captured in Frame (August 2024) is Laura’s award-winning, most recent Christian romantic suspense novel, and is published by Mountain Brook Ink. This is the first in her “Bite of Betrayal” series, with the second book, The Final Word, due to release in June 2025, and the third book in June of 2026.
She has five Christian romantic suspense books originally published by Anaiah Press in her “Flight to Freedom” series. This publisher unexpectedly closed its doors in October 2024, and Laura is thrilled that Mountain Brook Ink is republishing all five books—the Christmas novellas have already been re-released, with the others soon to follow: The Glass Bottom Boat, The Lighthouse Baby, The Orphan Beach and award-winning Christmas novellas The Christmas Cabin and Snow Globe Secrets.
Laura also has five books published by Dancing With Bear Publishing: Christian teen fiction novels Tears to Dancing, Tears of a Princess, and Tears, Fears, and Fame, non-fiction marriage book Pearls for the Bride, and middle-grade historical fiction The Candle Maker.
Her Kindle interactive picture book Fairy Wings is for princesses aged 3-6. She has devotionals included in Everyday Joy Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, and Volume 4 devotional books and also has stories published in anthologies Spread Your Wings and An Okanagan Tapestry books. Her articles and short stories are published in magazines and online in The Joyful Life Magazine, Iola magazine, Shine Brightly, U.S.Kids, Zamoof!, Keys for Kids, Bumples, Short-story-time.com, Guardian Angel Kids Ezine, Knowonder!, SUSIEMag.com, Christian Devotions U.S., Vida Yum, Just Between Us, and Peoples Education in the US. Additionally, Laura writes devotional short stories and lessons for children, teens, and adults for Union Gospel Press.
Laura is represented by literary agent Karen Neumair at Credo Communications.
Laura won silver in the 2025 Illuminations Book Awards digital media category with Captured in Frame.
Laura won The Word Awards 2024 BEST FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR prize with Snow Globe Secrets—Canada’s largest literary prize for Canadian fiction writers who are Christian!
Laura won a book award for Snow Globe Secrets in The Word Awards 2024 novella category.
Laura won a book award for Snow Globe Secrets in the 25th Annual Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers (FHLCW) Reader’s Choice Award in the 2024 novella category. (Details HERE).
Laura won a book award for The Christmas Cabin in The Word Awards 2023 novella category. (Details HERE).
Laura won first place in The Institute of Literature’s “Essay to My Younger Self Contest” with “The Nest of Now”. (Read essay HERE.)
Laura is a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), The Word Guild, Canada, Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers, and hope*writers.
Check out Laura’s book review videos on her Youtube channel HERE!
*Want Laura as a guest on your podcast? Check out her info sheet HERE!
Laura has been a guest on many podcasts including:
Madlit Musings with Jaime Jo Wright, Because Fiction Podcast, the Storytellers Network, Gracewriters, The Christian Entrepreneurs, Ink & Impact, Between the Lines, Wecome Heart, Building Strong Homes, Fierce Calling, Build Your Best Family, Seek & Savor, Behind the Story, and The Business of Christian Fiction.
Want to hear the voice behind the words? Here are some of Laura’s podcast interviews:
LISTEN HERE for her podcast interview with Madlit Musings with Jaime Jo Wright.
LISTEN HERE for her podcast interview with Gracewriters, Australia.
LISTEN HERE for her podcast interview with Welcome Heart; Living a Legacy Life.
LISTEN HERE for her podcast interview with The Storytellers Network.

Laura relishes the opportunity to speak to all audiences about her faith, her writing journey, or in practical writing workshops. She enjoys holding book signing events, being a guest on podcasts, and has given presentations at writing conferences and to students at schools and writing camps in the Okanagan, British Columbia, as well as at writing conferences in Kelowna, B.C. and in North Carolina and Florida, USA. If you would like Laura to speak at an event, do a book signing, podcast interview, or writing presentation, please contact her directly HERE.
Laura’s 2024 events:
Jan 17-19: Workshop presenter at the hope*story conference, Florida, USA, with “Breaking Through Writer’s Block”
June 28: THE BECAUSE FICTION podcast with Chautona Havig, author interview HERE.
Sept. 3: THE ROMANTIC SIDE OF SUSPENSE PODCAST with Sarah Hamaker, “quick takes” HERE.
August 15: BETWEEN THE LINES with Jennifer Sienes, author interview HERE.
August 5: Captured in Frame published by Mountain Brook Ink
Sept. 2: REDEEMING LIT PODCAST author interview HERE.
Sept. 21 11-3: Book Signing Event at KENNEDY’S PARABLE BOOKSTORE, Kelowna. B.C.
Nov.1: MADLIT MUSINGS PODCAST with Jamie Jo Wright, author interview. Listen HERE or watch HERE.
Nov. 16: Presenter and emcee at KELOWNA CHRISTIAN WRITERS’ EVENT, Manteo Resort, Kelowna, B.C.
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