Hi friend, in case you haven’t yet heard the squeals of joy, my Christmas novella, The Christmas Cabin, recently won a book award! This is perfect timing, as the next novella is being published by Anaiah Press in November, so I hope you’ll indulge me just a little as I gush, celebrate, and thank a few key people…



Of course, I need to thank The Word Guild, the organizers of The Word Awards. I was truly shocked and delighted to hear my name being read as the winner in the 2023 novella category! I may have screamed. Okay, I did scream. As all writers can attest, recognition of our work is a rarity and is deeply appreciated and treasured!

This book is especially dear to me as it’s set in my home province of beautiful British Columbia—plus, although it’s part of my Christian romantic suspense series with Anaiah Press, it was the first Christmas novella I’ve written. SO MUCH FUN!



We’ve all heard it takes a village to raise a child. I suppose we could say it takes a library of bookish individuals to raise a book—not just in the “birthing” process, but in the sharing of that book as it goes out into the big, wide world for all to read. Wonderful people such as:

  • my publisher, Anaiah Press
  • my editor, Candee Fick
  • my critique partner, Blossom Turner
  • my book launch team
  • my writer-friends
  • my supportive family
  • my book reviewers
  • my phenomenal readers

What a gift they all are to me!

But none of this would happen without my Heavenly Father. He leads me, stretches me, teaches me, and encourages me—like say, with a book award out of the blue!



“Gratitude is not only a response to God in good times – it’s ultimately the very will of God in hard times. Gratitude isn’t only a celebration when good things happen. It’s a declaration that God is good no matter what happens.” Ann Voskamp

Oh, how I need the reminder to be thankful in the hard, dry, frustrating moments of my writing life, too!

“Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.” Colossians 3:17

And so, as I prepare to launch Snow Globe Secrets, this book’s little sister into the world on November 10, I do so with a grateful, humble heart. I pray that God will use these feeble words of mine and make them His own. Make them matter.

I count it a joy and a privilege to continue writing heartwarming encouragement for your soul… and I thank YOU for being a part of this journey with me!

Happy reading,

P.S. If you’d like to snag a copy of award-winning novella(!) THE CHRISTMAS CABIN, the ebook is currently on sale on Amazon for just 99 cents HERE! 


Linking up with some fabulous encouragers… check them out: