Do you have someone on your Christmas list who is IMPOSSIBLE to buy for? Or do you love to buy gifts that give back— especially to women and children in need? Or do you ever wear socks? If the answer to any of these questions is “YES!” then read on, friend, for I want to tell you all the things about some socks with soul: Fazl Socks…
Allow me to introduce you to a dynamic company whose ethos is “Every act of mercy counts” and that includes buying a pair of socks. Socks that benefit 500 women and their families plus 2 children’s homes, all in Northern India. It’s beyond fabulous. Who started such a venture? Mike and Vanessa Gunn, an inspiring young couple from my city of Kelowna, B.C., who moved to India in 2015 with huge hearts and a passion to spread the message:
Fazl socks aren’t just any ol’ socks. These beauties are hand knitted by 500 women in villages in the Himalayas during the winter months. Summertime may be spent labouring in orchards, but Fazl provides seasonal employment where the women are paid fair trade wages and are able to knit around fires while their children play. No need for child care. Dignified work for our industrious sisters in India. “Fazl” actually means “grace” in the Urdu language— how perfect is that? And there’s more…
50% of Fazl Socks’ profit goes to the two CHILD OF MINE children’s homes in Northern India.
In India, the number of orphans is nearly the entire population of Canada. That’s crazy. But every time you buy a pair of these fabulous hand knitted socks, you are providing orphaned and destitute children with food, education, shelter, and clothing. Kids even have the opportunity to attend University, and many go on to help their communities— some even start their own children’s homes. Most importantly, they are loved, they are part of a beautiful family.
“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” Mother Teresa
I can personally vouch for these socks, they are beyond warm and cozy and are so fun to wear! And of course, as a writer, I hereby proclaim them to be ideal READING SOCKS! Each pair takes one of these sweet ladies 1-2 days to knit— you can check out the Fazl Socks website HERE to see all their gorgeous designs, indigenous to the Himalayan people. And if you’re in Kelowna, there’s currently a pop-up store in Orchard Park Mall!
Such an amazing company. And now there are women in India waiting for the opportunity to work for Fazl Socks— but employing more women means selling more socks. And that’s where WE come in…
“Stand up for the poor and the orphan;
advocate for the rights of the afflicted and those in need.” Psalm 82:3 (The Voice)
What can we do, even as a small act of mercy? Buy socks. Fazl socks. Reading socks. It’s Christmas, the season of giving, and what better gift can we give than one benefitting everyone: the recipient, the women knitting in Himalayan villages, and destitute children who desperately need our help. It’s a Win-Win-Win.
And so, dear friend, that’s what you can buy for the impossible uncle/ daughter/ boyfriend/ grandpa/ mother-in-law this Christmas! And while you’re at it, pop a pair in for yourself. 🙂
You can place your order HERE!
Finally, my “Laura’s Letters” Fall Giveaway includes a pair of fabulous Fazl Socks to wear whilst reading The Candle Maker, so if you’re not already on my email list, you can subscribe HERE today to be entered. You’ll also receive my FREE ebook Diamond Devos 31 just for subscribing!
With toasty toes,
Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out: