My “One Word” for 2023

As each year draws to a close and I ponder possibilities for the next, I try to find one particular word to carry into the newness. I wait for one that rises to the surface and won’t be quieted. For 2022, it was “surrender” and I have to confess, it was beautiful but...

Out-of-Control Christmas

I was supposed to pick up my son from the airport on Monday morning. Until his flights were cancelled. Multiple times over multiple days. And now our Christmas destination is currently experiencing a white-out of epic proportions. #Canadianwinterweatherthings. There’s...

Six Sweet Reads in 2022

As we fa-la-la our way to the end of another year, it warms my bookish heart to continue my tradition by sharing “SIX SWEET READS IN 2022” with you. Whether you’re curious to see what captured my heart in the past 12 months or you’re looking for Christmas gift...

Introducing The Christmas Cabin Novella!

I’m delighted to officially present to you my latest book, THE CHRISTMAS CABIN novella, and to share a few behind-the-scenes extra tidbits just for fun! If you’re anything like me, you find winter reading is a special treat with the promise of snuggling beneath a cozy...

Paying Attention to Autumn

What’s not to love about the most colorful of seasons? Trees show off their extravagant display of glory before exhaling and covering the ground with fragments of beauty. Crisp, cozy, pumpkin spice everything and Thanksgiving holidays—but in the fall flurry, can we...

Hope*Writers Conference!

Writerly friends—this is what we’ve been waiting for… in-person writing conferences! And hope*writers are pulling out all the stops in November for their conference in North Carolina. Even the most introverted among us (ahem) are chomping at the bit in...