Anyone who knows me well will agree that patience is not exactly my shiniest virtue, and if you know anything about the writing world, you’ll be aware that it is not famous for its expeditiousness. It’s a life of perpetual waiting. But friend, I would like to encourage YOU today if you are in a season of waiting, whatever that looks like. You see, I’ve been waiting for the “write” time to have a particularly special book series published—and finally, I have exciting news to share…



I just signed a new book contract with a new publisher for a new series in a new setting!

I’m thrilled to bits to be writing another Christian romantic suspense series, and this time I’m being published by the wonderful Mountain Brook Ink publishers.

I have a 2-book deal with the option for 2 more (yes, that’s 4 books!) in our “Bite of Betrayal” series. It’s extra special for me as I’m going back to my roots with its setting in the idyllic English countryside, and I can’t wait to take you there…

Captured in Frame will be the first novel, and it’s due to be published next year (summer 2024). As a little “story behind the story”, I was inspired to write this in 2019 when I was staying with my sister and her family in their vicarage in the most adorable little village in the English countryside. I took photographs, made copious notes, allowed ideas to incubate while I was publishing another series, and then wrote the manuscript during those quiet pandemic days. Since then, it’s been a LOT of waiting…

Honestly, I know the publishing process can be slow as molasses and there were numerous times along the way when I questioned everything about myself; too old, too inexperienced, too Canadian, too English, too all-the-negative things… I have 9 books published already, and I still face rejection, fear, and imposter syndrome. Sheesh.

But when I choose to focus on God rather than myself, well—let’s just say it’s a balm to my soul and keeps me taking the next right step, even in the waiting.



“Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!” Psalm 27:14

So, for those of us “in the waiting” who are checking email relentlessly, DM’s on the half-hour, or mailboxes just in case the response or acceptance or answer may possibly have arrived, can I share a handful of practices that might save your sanity and rejuvenate your joy? You may be a writer or you may be waiting for something relational, educational, medical, spiritual, or a myriad of other life experiences. Here are my humble suggestions (that I am also reminding my ever-forgetful self):

  • DO the next thing. Try not to fret and fuss about the “thing” that’s out there waiting for an answer. Focus on the next project, new hobby, another story, good work.
  • PRAY. No seriously, get specific and pray for that “thing”. Let my current example encourage you (not as a genie lamp or how-to, but just know that God does listen!) I made it my intention to pray every day specifically for this manuscript BY NAME for the “21 Days of Prayer” our church was doing in January. *Crickets*. And then on Day 22… an email from my agent said a publisher had a book contract for me! I think I needed to trust God’s timing plus believe He would answer. (I am an awfully slow learner. Thankfully, God is a lot more patient than I am.)
  • LOVE others and focus on how you can serve them in big or small ways. Volunteer, bake cookies, babysit, be a listening ear. It’ll help you think about your own stuff less.
  • GROW educationally by learning more about your craft while you’re waiting, and grow spiritually by digging into God’s Word for encouragement, guidance, wisdom, and to learn more about Him—which is always an excellent idea!

Waiting time is not wasted time.

“Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.” 1 Corinthians 15:58b 




When our waiting is over and it happens to be good news, it’s time to celebrate! And this new novel series of mine set in an English village has actually taken a village of sorts to get this far. I’m utterly grateful to my literary agent, Karen Neumair at Credo Communications; Miralee Ferrell from my new publishing house, Mountain Brook Ink; my husband who cheered me on in my impatience, my sister Heidi, who indulged me in my suspenseful scenarios I schemed whilst staying at her English home, and my Heavenly Father, who gives me opportunity, courage, and words.

Thanks for allowing me to share my news with you—and know that I’m cheering you on in the waiting… feel free to leave a comment below ⬇️ if you’d like to share or would appreciate a prayer!

Until next time,

P.S. If you’d like to stay in the loop with all my bookish news plus book giveaways, recipes, soul encouragement, and more—sign up for my monthly newsletter HERE!



Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Feel free to check them out: