There I was on Saturday night, feeling pretty smug. I’d had my “Mrs. Organizational Skills” hat on and I was fully prepped for Fathers Day. My dad in the UK would have received his gift in the mail in a timely fashion (because I’m THAT organized) and my amazing...
Good grief— it’s been a crazy May so far and my expectations have been changed, met, derailed, exceeded, and everything in between! My apologies that it’s been a while but I did warn you I would be sporadic 🙂 I like to be a woman of my word. This is going to be a bit...
Yes, I am having a curious day promoting fairies and bulldogs— such is the life of a writer! On any given week I can be found writing about anything from angsty teenaged girls to wingless fairies to mischievous sea creatures to Bible stories. You could also throw in...
Right now I’m getting my books together for two full days at the B.C .Christian Home Educators Convention with my homeschool homies here in Kelowna. I realize I’m now the mother of one married woman, one son about to start Uni, and another boy finishing up Grade 10 in...
Does anyone else feel like they are coming off an Easter high? (And I’m not merely referring to the sugar rush after the inordinate amount of chocolate I consumed!) Easter is such a significant time of year in the Christian calendar, and I tend to feel a bit wobbly...
Last week, with our boys away on a missions trip in LA, Lyndon and I left behind the delightful spring temperatures of Kelowna and winged our way to chilly Montreal, where spring has not yet sprung. Not even a little bit. Clearly we didn’t go for the weather— we were...