There I was on Saturday night, feeling pretty smug. I’d had my “Mrs. Organizational Skills” hat on and I was fully prepped for Fathers Day. My dad in the UK would have received his gift in the mail in a timely fashion (because I’m THAT organized) and my amazing husband was about to be dazzled as deserved with a fry-up for breakfast (don’t judge— we’re Brits), a surprise waffle iron (we picked up on his oh-so-subtle hints), a fun afternoon in the sunshine after church, and rib-eye steak and home-made chocolate Swiss roll with a glass of something delicious to finish the ultimate Fathers Day. Perfect planning all round. Until my eldest son wondered in at 11pm and on his way up to bed said, “Mom, you know Fathers Day is NEXT week, right?”
What? What? Surely the teenager had it wrong. I Googled Fathers Day 2015. Perhaps Google had it wrong. Okay, that’s completely impossible. Oh my word— I was a week early for goodness sakes. Is there such a thing as being too organized? Who am I trying to kid? I was merely being ditsy. Allowing my hair to bleed through to my brain. Soooo I decided we would go ahead anyway. Lyndon would enjoy a Happy Unfathers Day.
I figured it was okay, because I had vague recollections of Unbirthday celebrations for some fictional character from my childhood. And yes, it’s a thing— it’s actually on Wikipedia as “an event that is typically celebrated on any or all of the 364 (365 on leap years) days in which it is not the person’s birthday”. For real. There’s even a song called “A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!” from Alice in Wonderland, and it’s rather catchy. I’ve been singing it all week— be warned. Therefore, we were fully justified in celebrating Unfathers Day.
Jacob’s signature chocolate Swiss roll, recipe HERE courtesy of the lovely people at Kraft:
The day was awesome. Lyndon felt appreciated and special, we enjoyed the great food and an excuse to relax and have fun together. Really, we could pick any random day and celebrate whatever we like, right? Pretty much all you need is food, people you love, and grateful hearts. Maybe every day should be more of a celebration. After all, each day is a precious gift. Even when it feels mundane or grey or painful. It’s another day of breath in our lungs and a chance to do great things (whether that’s changing diapers, changing light bulbs, or changing lives… all worthwhile and all needed.)
The Bible has a LOT to say about celebrating. There’s much rejoicing in finding that which was lost, in sacrifice, in worship, at festivals, at weddings, at banquets… some of the partying went on for weeks, and sometimes tithes were put aside to ensure the celebrations were awesome (LOVE that idea!) There’s something special about coming together and celebrating. Being able to thank God for another year of life, a father, a mother, a country of freedom in which to live, a baby’s birth, an upcoming wedding— for His goodness in our lives— I believe it’s important. Cake is an obvious bonus…
“They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” (Psalm 145:7)
So whether you celebrate an Unfathers Day or a Fathers Day, I hope you’ll do so with a grateful heart to a Heavenly Father who is generous and loving and thinks celebrations are well worth the effort.
And to my own Dad, if you’re reading this, you are truly worth celebrating— even from another continent 🙂 At least your gift was early…
Party on!
Linking up with some fabulous encouragers. Check them out: