Yes, I am having a curious day promoting fairies and bulldogs— such is the life of a writer! On any given week I can be found writing about anything from angsty teenaged girls to wingless fairies to mischievous sea creatures to Bible stories. You could also throw in relationship issues and Dickensian candle makers on an extra special day. It explains much. But writing is my passion, and I go with the flow, which brings me to my first plug:




I was approached to do an interview on a blog, which is something I love to do… usually it’s as an author answering questions on my writing journey. This one was somewhat different, as my English bulldog was the star of the show. The blog is comprised of interviews from people and their dogs on a coffee date. For real. Check it out HERE.  It was so much fun— especially writing about THE Ginger Lily!





I’m having another freebie promo for my interactive picture e-book FAIRY WINGS for children ages 3-6 years! It’s happening SATURDAY MAY 2- MONDAY MAY 4… if you haven’t already downloaded a copy, you really should. It’s free for goodness sake. And kind of adorable: “Phoebe is a wingless fairy, who eventually learns that happiness is more than ‘wing deep’! Join Phoebe on her heart-warming discovery in this magical, interactive story for all fairy-lovers and happiness-seekers.” 

Grab your touch-screen device (Kindle, IPad, phone, tablet, computer) and download the pinkness:,, AmazonUK, or any other Amazon out there. Enjoy!


One of the main reasons for the free promo is my book signing event this Saturday, May 2, 12-4pm at Chapters bookstore in Kelowna. BC. On the cusp of wedding season, my book Pearls for the Bride will be available for the bride-to-be or newlywed… I wrote this for my daughter’s wedding, and it’ll be their first anniversary next week! Crazy. Also, I will have my Christian teen fiction novels Tears to Dancing  and Tears of a Princess  — I am SO looking forward to the third book in the series coming out later this year with my fabulous publishers Dancing With Bear Publishing!







Why the shameless promotion? I just want you guys to know what I’m up to… May is shaping up to be a busy month (even without a daughter’s wedding this year!) Apart from family and church paraphernalia, I have a book signing, a couple of school presentations, a writers’ conference in the Seattle area, short story devotions to write, presentations to plan, and some of my writing dreams to get onto paper. Oh, plus Mothers day, my birthday, and our wedding anniversary. I love May 🙂 It’s my favourite.

So my blogging may be somewhat sporadic, but know that I am beavering away with my writing in some capacity or other.

Fairies, bulldogs, whatever…

I don’t take for granted the fact that I get to do something I love every day. Writing is humbling and exciting and frustrating and wonderful, and I’m so thankful for those who actually read my ramblings in their various forms.

That would be YOU! (You’re doing it right now!) Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Happy May, and don’t forget your free Fairy Wings!

Blessings & joy,






Linking up with some fabulous encouragers. Check them out:

Blessing-Counters-Linkup-Big1-e1398708603671Thought-Provoking-Thursday-Buttonfaith filled fridaytellhisstory-badgei choose joy