Friends, in case you haven’t heard—my new Christmas novella SNOW GLOBE SECRETS is here! It was released this month and is book-baby number 10 for me (which is CRAZY!), but the thrill of a brand-new book in the world never gets old. So, grab a hot chocolate or a...
Hi friend, in case you haven’t yet heard the squeals of joy, my Christmas novella, The Christmas Cabin, recently won a book award! This is perfect timing, as the next novella is being published by Anaiah Press in November, so I hope you’ll indulge me just a little as...
Hey friends, I’m delighted to announce I’ll be one of the workshop speakers at the upcoming hope*story conference in FLORIDA this January! Not only am I ecstatic to be trading Canadian snow for Sarasota sunshine, but I also have the joy of hanging out with other...
What does one do with a spare afternoon in England? Allow me to suggest BOOKS & BUNS IN BATH. While in the UK last month, Lyndon and I were able to slip away for a 4-hour stroll down Memory Lane in one of my favourite cities in the whole wide world! With a strong...
Thirty-five years. How have we sailed three-and-a-half decades together on the ocean of life, all those years of marriage in our effervescent wake? After a magical Maui vacation celebrating our anniversary, here I sit in my white office chair at my overly-cluttered...
Hey fellow book lover, how do you choose your next read? Perhaps you’re a “mood reader” and rely on your emotions to lead you along the bookshelf, or perhaps you’re an organized “list queen” and follow your TBR (to-be-read) list to a T. Or perhaps you’re a “seasonal...