Do you have someone on your Christmas list who is IMPOSSIBLE to buy for? Or do you love to buy gifts that give back— especially to women and children in need? Or do you ever wear socks? If the answer to any of these questions is “YES!” then read on, friend, for I want...
Y’all better believe it is, and I’m fixin’ to tell ya’ll about it! That sounded weird with a British accent. I just spent a few days in beautiful Charlotte, North Carolina, where I experienced a taste of southern hospitality in all its glory, and I’m still basking in...
Perfectionist tendencies, anyone? I have always liked to have everything “just so”—organized and as perfect as possible. I appreciate the pretty things in life, the beauty in words and creation and song—I’m really not a fan of mess and blood and haphazard! I remember...
Are you beginning to feel slightly overwhelmed with the upcoming holidays and gatherings and shindigs that all need hosting? Especially for the perfectionists among us, it can be a cornucopia of stress, work, worry, and sleeplessness that threatens to suck us dry...
Is it lost, do you think, this art of lingering around the table? Do we gobble and go rather than linger and listen? In our hustle and haste to feed the family and chauffeur kids to assorted activities and hurry to the next thing, it’s all too easy for us to miss the...
Please hold my hand— this is the first September in TWENTY-ONE years that I haven’t been getting kids prepped for “back to school” and it’s definitely wonky. No Staples stationery run, no cool clothes and new shoes, no haircuts, and no photos on their way out the door...