Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that cause us to catch our breath in wonder— things like walking the dog. It’s not necessarily the actual dog causing the sense of awe (sorry Lily), but the unfeigned, honest act of the everyday mundane suddenly becoming meaningful.

Last week, I had such a moment. The day was perfect— not too scorching hot, a gentle breeze, just perfect for a stroll on the boardwalk. My newlywed daughter and her husband were in town, both boys and the husband had the day off work, and we decided to take the bulldog out for the afternoon. The whole family. A beautiful rarity.






As we wondered alongside the lake, I was hit afresh by the everyday graces. The freedom in Kelowna to go wherever we want, to worship wherever we want, to eat as much as we like, to buy whatever we need and even what we don’t need. The natural beauty of mountains and lakes and vineyards surrounding us, and that feeling of peace and safety in the country we call home. Beyond blessed. Almost to the point of feeling a little guilty.




I held my husband’s hand and whispered, “We have all five kids right here. How amazing is that?” Three of our own, one inherited by marriage, and the furry one. We walked the dog, bought ridiculously good ice cream at Moolicks, and then went home. Nothing profound, but it was precious to me. I decided not to feel guilty about all the joy welling up inside —it was a “count your blessings” afternoon, and we all need those. It shifts our priorities and realigns our perspectives.




Summer is slowly winding down, and thoughts are on agendas for the fall, audacious goals and upcoming upheavals. Before we get hemmed in and bogged down by the timetables and programs, why not take a breath and take some time out to count your blessings? Family and friends, fellowship and freedom. Walk the dog, or a kid, or your cat, and appreciate the simple pleasures (with or without ridiculously good ice cream), giving thanks to the One who gives us all good things.

“Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.(from James 1 in The Message)

Blessings to YOU…






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