For me, one of the sweetest things to do on vacation is to devour a good book (or several!) I like to immerse myself in a story any old time, don’t get me wrong, but on vacation there are no distractions, and no guilt trips. Bliss!

Last week, I decided to travel back in time to the 1930’s in Georgia, U.S.A., right around the Great Depression era. Elizabeth Musser brings her characters to life in wonderfully vivid detail in “The Sweetest Thing”. It’s the tale of an unlikely friendship between two girls from very different backgrounds. Their bond is strengthened through tragedy, triumph, and family secrets, and they discover that ultimately, loving deeply is “The Sweetest Thing”.

I try to look for a take-away in every book that I read, and this one was loud and proud. When life throws you into a raging storm, don’t turn to God and ask, “Why?” as we are all prone to do. With clenched fists shaking madly, we rage: Why me? Why now? Why this? Instead, try asking Him, “What?” What would you have me do through this tragedy, Lord? What can I do practically to help others who are being impacted by the pain? What characteristics of Yours can I emulate in Your strength, to get me and my loved ones through this? One step at a time, asking “What?” Life changing stuff.

I wonder how much time we waste asking God, “Why?” Maybe we’re ranting, and maybe we’re buying ourselves time to process, but really, we have no right to ask that question. He is God and we are not. And yet, in our infinite wisdom we think we have the capacity to comprehend all He does and His reasons why! Hmmm. I would rather  choose to believe He has my very best in mind, even when I can’t see through my tears. I choose to believe that He loves me deeply, and that truly is The Sweetest Thing.

I hope you’ll read this book sometime, or any others by Elizabeth Musser. I’m pretty sure reading it on a sun-kissed beach beneath a palm tree made the experience a little richer, but I think you’ll love it even curled up in your armchair with a nice cuppa!

Happy reading!