The moment has arrived. I’ve dreamed about this for literally years and now I’m a bag of nerves. A few minutes ago, the UPS deliveryman in his lovely brown shorts ambled down the driveway, and I met him like an eager puppy. Actually WITH an eager puppy, as Lily has to join in with pretty much everything. Now I’m looking at the cardboard box on the table, containing my very first published book, and I’m giddy. Nauseous even.
I think of Jo from Little Women- in the movie my heart beat wildly just watching her unwrap her beloved first book, fresh from the publishers. And now it’s my turn. Half of me wants to rip the package open in a frenzy, but the other half is worried I might be disappointed in some way- what if there’s a huge printing error, or they’ve misspelled my name? I need to share this momentous occasion with my husband, so I’m going to have to wait another hour at least. It’s going to kill me, but I want him to be a part of the experience- it was Lyndon who encouraged me to follow my writing dream, and he’s supported me in every way since. I’ll go and make dinner or something, after I’ve spent a few more minutes looking at the cardboard box…
It’s done! I had my “Jo” moment and have seen my book with my own eyes. I absolutely love it- the size, the glossy cover, the clear print, the dedication to my daughter; the whole thing is perfect. Admittedly, I haven’t read it cover to cover yet, but all the main elements are in order and I am one happy author!
I feel like letting out a breath I have been holding for months, if not years. I know the hard work of marketing and promoting is ahead of me, but my baby’s arrived! The whole experience is even sweeter knowing this is a story of hope in Jesus, and He will use it for His glory. If just one precious girl picks this up and sees His light in her time of darkness, it will be more than worth the effort. What a privilege. What a joy!
Okay, thanks for joining me on my emotional roller coaster today. I have a book to read…