As 2016 draws to a close, the bookish reader-types among us contemplate and consider what our best book experiences were during the past year. OH SO MANY. Asking me to choose a favourite book is akin to asking me to pick my favourite child—so I’ve come up with “six sweet reads” for you. Hope that’s acceptable! Let’s dig in…


 six sweet reads in 2016


I’ve read close to 40 books this year—some for pure pleasure, some for review purposes, and some in a feeble attempt to expand my knowledge and grow my faith. The eclectic mix of six I’ve selected are all AMAZING books—feel free to check them out on my Amazon affiliate links included (full disclosure here) which means I get a tiny commission while you pay the regular price for any of the books!

*GOOD NEWS: As of today, ALL these books are currently on sale on Amazon—some even half price! WHAT? Who doesn’t love a book bargain?*

Here we go, in no particular order, because I don’t play favourites:


51FJbzqwMYL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_     PRESENT OVER PERFECT by Shauna Niequist

“Leaving behind frantic for a simpler, more soulful way of living” was a definite hook for me, and the way Shauna leads us through her own personal battle with busyness and striving for acceptance and perfection is heartbreaking and encouraging at the same time. She gently takes readers by the hand and guides them through her own journey, allowing us all to pinpoint areas where we are missing connections and starving our souls. My copy is full of bright yellow patches where I know I need to go back and re-read regularly! I’m pretty sure I felt my own heartbeat slow down to a calmer rhythm while reading this book…. yes, I recommend it!


download (9)     LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott

Okay, I know I said that I don’t have favourites, but Little Women was actually my number one book when I was a child. This is an absolute classic—I’m so glad I re-read it again and got to feast my senses on the Christmas backdrop with the four sisters in the March family. I’m one of four sisters myself, so I find the relationships intriguing and engaging—there’s joy, sorrow, success, grief, and adventure wrapped up in a family hug right here. A must-read.


 51nhMJQM9vL     ALL THE PRETTY THINGS by Edie Wadsworth

“I have just come off the emotional roller coaster that is All the Pretty Things, and I am in awe of so much, I hardly know where to land! This memoir will break your heart, have you cheering, make you gasp and leave you wrecked—yet so full of hope. Edie Wadsworth shares her story and her heart in the most beautiful, honest, and encouraging way as she navigates us through unimaginable trials on her faith journey. Determination, redemption, grace, and strength—this is a phenomenal book and most definitely worth reading!”


Belgravia-by-Julian-Fellowes-250     BELGRAVIA by Julian Fellowes

“As a huge Downton Abbey fan, I was anxious to read this book by Julian Fellowes—and it certainly did not disappoint! The rich characters, twisting plot, issues of class and secrecy and scandal—all wove together into a delicious read (which I devoured!) Fellowes brings the 1840’s to life in an absolutely delightful way—I thoroughly recommend Belgravia!”


41h3k7jiTxL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_     THE BROKEN WAY by Ann Voskamp

“I have to admit I haven’t finished this book yet—for the simple reason that I am trying to absorb every single word, and am scared I will miss something if I don’t give myself time for each chapter to marinate in my soul. It’s that good. Ann’s beautiful way with words will wrap you in a blanket of grace while pulling you toward the probing truths of brokenness, giving, and abundance. Seriously, nearly every page has something underlined. It’s a book you will re-read for sure.”


515p3OrN1KL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_     THE NIGHTINGALE by Kristin Hannah

“Harrowing, heartbreaking, and hopeful. The Nightingale drew me in deeply—the relationship between two sisters, the authentic French setting, and the surreal struggle for survival during the Second World War. Kristin Hannah entices the reader into the fascinating unraveling story of relationships, while providing unimaginable details of the horrors of war. A compelling read and a story that will stay with me for a very long time. “In love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.”


That’s it—my sweet six—I hope you’ll check them out if you haven’t already. I’d love to know your favourite/ sweetest read from 2016, feel free to let me know in the comments below.

In case you are curious, HERE is my link to Goodreads where all the books I read in 2016 are listed—oh please don’t judge!

Here’s to another fabulous year enjoying the wonder of books, my friends!

Happy reading,

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