How many of you moms out there are having an emotional rollercoaster ride this week? Returning to routines, early mornings, packing lunches, tearful goodbyes, juggling carpool, signing a gazillion forms—it’s back to school and “sayonara summer!” Whether you are celebrating or commiserating, September is here and it takes no prisoners, not even mamas!

Who else was SO not ready for September? Quite honestly, this is the first time in probably 20 years that I have NOT been giddy about the whole back to school thing. Don’t get me wrong, summer is my absolute favourite, but even when I was homeschooling my kids, I looked forward to the stationery shopping and the fall clothes and new notebooks and workbooks and all. The summer is luxuriously long here in Kelowna (compared to my UK roots) but by September I’m anxious for organization. Boots replacing flip-flops. Pumpkin spice lattes replacing iced cappuccinos. But this year… not so much!


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For those of you sending your littles off to preschool or Kindergarten for the first time, I feel your pain, I really do—but wait until you send them off to Uni. (Spoiler: it comes around before you know it!) It’s not like I haven’t been here before—six years ago (what?!) I flew to Montreal with my little 18 year-old girl and left her there to start McGill University. I can’t even tell you how traumatic that was—my only daughter and it being so very far away on the other side of this ridiculously large country. I grieved and lamented and miss her to bits as she’s still there, but back then I had 2 boys who needed my attention and mad mothering skills, so I muddled through and rolled up my sleeves. This time around it seems even harder, if that’s at all possible!


The middle one started Uni locally, still lived at home and all was dandy, but he decided to transfer to Vancouver this year where the courses were more up his alley (such as Greek, for real!) We are truly excited for him and he’s only 4 hours away, but still—you know, the mom thing. So we deposited him on Monday—and then on Tuesday my almost six-foot baby started grade twelve. He’s graduating this year, friends:

This was my very last time to send a child off for their first day at school!

Be still my beating heart.

Okay, so I’ll stop with the whining and commiserating—I think it’s acceptable once in a while, and I know I’m among friends here 🙂 But I want to turn this on its head and hold hands with any other mother who might be feeling a bit blue this week—let’s celebrate! Let’s give thanks that we have the privilege of parenting in the first place! Let’s be grateful that our kids are even living in a place where they can have an education! Let’s commit our kids in prayer to the One who has a perfect plan for them, whether they are 4 or 24.

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” Jeremiah 29:11 (The Message)

September is spectacular in so many ways—fresh starts, new plans, dreaming and daring, the easy comfort of routine—embrace it all! If you’re a mom or an aunt or a granny or a friend (I think that covers everyone) pray for the children in your life—with much THANKSGIVING…


do not be anxious verse


Happy September, everyone!

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