No, really— I was punched at my eldest son’s prom on Sunday night. Just when I thought the grad drama was over for our family (see last week’s post MOST MEMORABLE MCGILL GRAD), we ended this particular night with a flourish. But fear not, this punch was thrown from a glass. And it was bright red.
Yeah, we got doused.
It was a truly fabulous evening— my son, Jameson, looked dapper and very 007 alongside his beautiful date, as he celebrated the end of an era with his high school friends. It’s such an emotional experience, watching these young men in their suits, all suddenly tall with broad shoulders, ready to take on the world. It seems like only yesterday they were huddled in my kitchen, voices randomly squeaking as they inhaled my bottomless supply of homemade cookies. I felt proud of them all in some way.
We watched the promenade of rather awkward yet handsome guys with their gorgeous girls in gowns, gracefully filing across the boardwalk alongside the perfect backdrop of the Okanagan Lake. This was followed by a delicious dinner with families and friends, gathered in our most prestigious hotel. Speeches, laughter, and much dancing followed. My favourite moment of the night was, hands down, the “mother and son” dance. How often do you get that much hug time with your teen boy? I savoured every single minute.
What about the punch thing? Well thankfully, it occurred at the end of the festivities. Lyndon and I were standing next to our table, innocently chatting with friends, when I suddenly jumped out of my skin. Thinking someone had actually thrown a bucket of cold water down my back, I twirled around to see a mortified server carrying a tray of punch glasses. Minus one glass, which was now at my feet.
I felt SO sorry for her. Surely, that would be a server’s worst nightmare. Not only did it splash down the length of my champagne-coloured cocktail dress and my legs, but it also splattered the back of Lyndon’s white shirt. And his jacket, which was on the back of his chair. And Jameson’s jacket, which was in the next chair. The shower power in a glass of liquid is nothing short of amazing. Unfortunately.
Did I mention is was bright red?
We pathetically patted each other’s backs with clean cloth napkins, and assured the poor girl it was just an accident, and she shouldn’t worry about it. She gave us her card, and insisted the hotel would pick up all the dry cleaning bills, which we gratefully accepted.
As a side note, Lyndon kept his jacket on all evening until the very end, even though it was incredibly warm. When I asked him about it during dinner, he whispered that someone was bound to squeeze past our table and spill something on his nice, new suit if it was hanging on the chair, and he didn’t want to chance it.
* I formally apologize for that particular eye roll, honey. *
Accidents happen, it’s the stuff of life, and it always makes for a good story! 🙂 Our backs might have been dampened, but our evening certainly was not. It was a superb prom. And now we are excited to see our firstborn son take the next step and follow where God leads him.
A wedding (in Montreal), a Uni grad (back in Montreal), and a high school grad (in Kelowna) all in the space of a month. Kids, you are certainly keeping our lives exciting, and we absolutely love it!
I was weirdly enthusiastic about my appointment with the dentist this morning. A nice, boring, routine check-up. Here’s to a little less excitement, for a while at least…
Proud as punch (sorry!)