“Do you eat a lot of sweet stuff?” Was my doctor serious? I’m a chocoholic, sweet-toothed Brit who bakes for kicks. “And have you ever been diagnosed with prediabetes?” Now my breath caught in my throat and my apparent-high-in-sugar blood ran cold. I needed to pivot pronto. This was one of those wake-up calls I’d heard about. And I wasn’t about to hit the snooze button…




Just when I thought I’d seen all the “pivoting” this past year with everyone’s work, home, family, church, travel, fitness, and most other areas of life, here was one more. I’ve been put on a low-sugar, low-fat, low-fun diet for 6 months (because the cholesterol has joined the sugar in my list of “highs”) in the hope of getting my levels in the normal range to avoid a prediabetes diagnosis and beyond. Sheesh.

As a glass-half-full girl, I’m not usually one to whine and wallow and I’m SO aware that this is a teeny-weeny minor issue compared to many, but in an effort to be transparent and a tad vulnerable, I’m sharing this morsel. Not a delicious chocolate morsel. More a healthy morsel of granola.

You see, I’ve been on this low-sugar path for about 6 weeks and I’ve discovered a surprising level of sweetness therein! It seems that every whine that escapes my lips, God turns into a win.


  • He’s showing me the value of self-control in a new area of my life… and how strong I feel when I’m able to resist cravings. I realize how crazy this makes me sound, but I even found a verse: “When you’re given a box of candy, don’t gulp it all down; eat too much chocolate and you’ll make yourself sick;” Proverbs 25:16


  • He reminded me His timing is always perfect. I was so put out when my doctor retired and I had to find a new one… who’s got time for that? But it was my beloved new doc who insisted I should have random bloodwork done and we discovered my “highs”. “There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:” Ecclesiastes 3:1


  • He made me take stock of this one body I have. I tend to ignore potential problems and bury my head in the proverbial sand, which as I age is more “quicksand”, and I’m now trying to be proactive as I look ahead with the desire to live healthier and be kind to my body: “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14


  • He increased my joy when it comes to baking! Because honestly, baking is my kitchen therapy, it’s my jam. So rather than me bemoaning the fact that I’ll never be able to enjoy a cake or cookie from my oven again, I’m searching out healthy alternatives that actually taste delicious! Who knew? And best of all, I’m continuing to bake my favorite goodies and gifting them to others. It’s a win-win. “Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God’s grace.” 1 Peter 4:10



Friend, maybe there’s a pivot you’re navigating or a change that has your head spinning today. As one who enjoys neither pivot nor change, can I lovingly point you to One who knows and sees it all? Who offers peace in the pivot and cheer in the change:

  “You are so intimately aware of me, Lord.

    You read my heart like an open book

    and you know all the words I’m about to speak

    before I even start a sentence!

    You know every step I will take before my journey even begins.” Psalm 139:3-4

And if you need me, I’ll be over here chomping on a carrot stick and experimenting with skinny muffins (feel free to send me your scrumptious low-sugar recipes!)


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