O Canada!

I’ve lived in this fair land for seventeen years, and every 1st of July I’m still blown away by the love of the Canadian people for their country.

The day is filled with activities and entertainment for everyone, and there’s a joyful lightness in the air as partiers don their red and white garb and come together for obligatory Canada Day BBQ’s. It’s the one night of the year when our city actually FEELS like a city! There’s a buzz, an excitement in this hearty-party atmosphere. All ages cram the lakeside downtown and wait with bated breath for the crowning glory of the day- the fireworks extravaganza!

We British onlookers are all too quick to criticize North America’s flamboyant celebratory exuberance, but I put it down to a major case of jealousy! Growing up in the U.K. we would sigh dreamily while we watched American movies filled with over-the-top proms and parties…

I would have loved a prom or a graduation ceremony of some sort when I finished high school. But with a British “stiff upper lip” I simply walked home after my last exam, never to experience the fluff and splendor of a grad. And before anybody asks, NO that’s not why I married so young! Maybe I was craving a fru-fru long dress and a bit of pomp and ceremony, but that was mere icing on the wedding cake!

But really, why not go a little overboard once in a while for wholesome events, which bring people together and bond a nation? Today our cousins over the border will be doing their Fourth of July thing, and you can bet everyone will put 110% into their celebrations.

Come to think of it, even my brethren back home have pulled out all the stops this past year or so with the wedding of William & Kate, then the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. One does know how to do the royal party thing after all…

What is a party? The dictionary definition is:
“A social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement”
There was certainly a lot of pleasure and amusement at the Canada Day festivities. While I watched people revel in the celebrations, I couldn’t help wondering what they were so happy about. Was it literally the joy of living in this country? The freedom? The wealth? The opportunities? The magnificent natural beauty surrounding us daily?

And I was curious to know who they were thankful TO? Mother Nature? The Universe? Themselves? Or were there Christ worshippers among them? Those who could take stock of their lives, count their many blessings for living in a peaceful, beautiful country and give the glory to the One who flung the stars into space, leaving fireworks extravaganzas in the dark.

We have much to celebrate. Much to be thankful for. Much partying still to do! Heck, parties occur in Heaven all the time- the angels party on whenever a soul is saved, so imagine what will be awaiting us when we all get together up there!

In closing, I have one more celebration to share- my wonderful publishers Dancing With Bear Publishing are celebrating their first birthday and have a fantastic contest up and running. Pretty simple- just go to their website below for details and start the “bear hunt” on their authors websites (mine included!) DWB books and prizes every week in July- check it out and join the party!
