Tomorrow, my alarm will obnoxiously beep at 4a.m. and my mission will commence. “Operation Wedding Planning” demands that I fly across this fair country and parachute into Montreal to tie up loose ends, finalize decisions, and generally be Supermom Of The Bride. I have 4 days to accomplish my mission. It’s a great burden and the pressure is immense, but it is my duty and I WILL succeed.
Oh who am I trying to kid? My stomach is full of butterflies and I have a stupid smile plastered on my face at the thought of spending some quality time with my daughter on the lead up to the big day! Yes, we have stuff to do and several ghastly lists to check off, but it’s all fabulous things like tasting wedding cake, viewing the reception venue, selecting hair salons, and choosing bridal bouquets. Lovely stuff.
I’m not going to lie, it’s been somewhat challenging trying to stay on top of a destination wedding. For the most part, I try not to think about all the little details too much, and up to now it’s been the biggies like dress, reception, church, honeymoon, and photographer. But now, with 10 short weeks to go, (I just worked that out and I swear my pulse doubled in speed) it’s detail time. Hence the parachuting in for a final sweep, as it were.
Montreal is such a magical city- romantic and eclectic and vibrant — a perfect location for a wedding. It just so happens my little trip coincides with the MONTRÉAL EN LUMIÈRE and NUIT BLANCHE– festivals and attractions thick with rich arts and culture. I have also been promised a visit to one of Charlotte’s favourite boutiques: (purely to rest our planning brains for a brief moment or two!)
More than anything, I am looking forward to my mother-daughter time. We have both felt a little cheated out of the planning months when a bride usually gets to bond with her mother. Circumstances were such that time and distance and Uni prevented us from doing much together physically, but we have Skyped a LOT, and enjoyed gleaning inspiration from our Pinterest board here:
And I’m exceedingly grateful we accomplished the major milestones together, such as the DRESS and the SHOWER, but it’s been tricky across the miles and this weekend we are anticipating long chats, lots of laughs, a little sparkle, and maybe some retail therapy to keep us sane…
My goal this parachute planning mission? To check off a bunch of wedding-related items on our lists for sure, but more importantly, I want to use this opportunity to speak love and support and words of wisdom into my girl’s life. I want her to go into her marriage knowing she has her family cheering her on and praying for her every single day. I want to reassure her, and wash her dishes for a few days, and look at wedding make-up. Yes, I am beyond giddy about this trip. And did I mention how amazing my husband is to make this all happen? 🙂
Strapping on my pink parachute,
Mother Of The Bride!