It may be the after effects of the mountain of Easter chocolate I consumed this week, but I’m thinking about my heart. Yes, I’m hoping it’s healthy (in spite of said chocolate) but more than that, I’m kind of hoping it’s a bit shattered. A bit broken. Ready for more love…
You see, I’ve been thinking about HUMILITY this week—chewing it, squinting at it, pondering it. It’s probably post-Easter musings, having been mystified and moved anew by the sacrifice of the Saviour, the breaking of His own heart. Personally, I find humility to be a tricky, slippery fellow… you can try to squish your pride like a gnat and act like a humble Joe, only to catch yourself feeling slightly pleased at your awesome humility, and *poof* you’ve blown it. Again. :/
Surely humility comes when you’re NOT striving for it. It happens as an unassuming by-product to one whose heart is pure and right and in tune with God. One whose heart is broken in all the right places. Goodness, I need to focus on being open to be broken… broken-hearted toward the things and the people for whom God’s heart breaks. Check out how The Message paraphrases Psalm 51:16-17:
“Going through the motions doesn’t please you,
a flawless performance is nothing to you.
I learned God-worship
when my pride was shattered.
Heart-shattered lives ready for love
don’t for a moment escape God’s notice.”
“Heart-shattered lives ready for love”. Oh, yes please! For when the shards of “me” fall away; the ugly, prideful pieces, certainly God’s light and beauty will shine through brighter, stronger. He wants me broken—not in a messed-up state of confusion, but rather He longs for my soft, broken heart purged of pride to be used to love. His way, not mine.
Nice, but HOW?
Look back at the beginning of those Psalm 51 verses… it’s not all about the doing. I can easily do and do and do until I’m burnt out and bruised and left wondering if it’s ever enough… but God does not demand the constant “do”, friends. (Do I hear an “Amen!”?) He asks us to “be”. Be still, be holy, be humble—we need to dig into the Word and get serious about our faith. And these verses say we learn to experience that beautiful “God-worship” when our pride is shattered. When we make everything about HIM.
Sarah Bessey posted a superb blog this week “Rice Krispies: My Spiritual Awakening” talking about the struggles with humility and living in the ordinary and the mundane and how God uses all for His glory. Yes, He uses OUR ordinary, heart-shattered lives in extraordinary ways!!
In every area of my life, in the Rice Krispies and the writing of the books and the cleaning of the toilets and the walking of the bulldog and the leading of the worship, I long to be shattered for Jesus, broken open to be used by Him. He has some serious chiseling ahead, but my heart NEEDS it! Know what I mean?
Ready for love 🙂
Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out: