It’s Mother’s Day this weekend! Yay! Not that we NEED a day set aside to tell us how deeply appreciated and wonderful we are (hmmm)… but, hey, we might as well sit back and enjoy!

I was reminded today of one of the most amazing experiences I have had as a mother. There have been many, of course, but today I recalled the feelings of accomplishment and pure joy when my children READ for the first time. The look on their little faces when they absorbed letters on a page and then uttered and stuttered out loud making real words- it was a mini-miracle!

As we were homeschooling, it was something of a relief knowing I was actually doing it right, but as an avid reader myself, I knew they had unlocked a whole treasury of adventure and pleasure that would last a lifetime.

My babies and I last year on Mother's Day






The reason for today’s ramblings on reading? I just had the privilege of spending time with an enthusiastic class of grade 5’s at Similkimeen Elementary Secondary School, where I gave a presentation and did a book signing of my novel TEARS TO DANCING, thanks to the Raise A Reader program. What a blast!











I got to tell my own story of how I became an author, shared my passion for writing, and encouraged them to read, read, read. I even showed them my childhood relic of a Disney book from 1972, which was looked upon as some kind of antique (!) But their genuine excitement for reading really impacted me, and I was empowered afresh as a writer.






And my heart swelled when I remembered teaching my own little ones to read. “Reading with mother”. Sigh. Priceless memories.

I also showed the class a copy of Little Women, my favorite book as a young girl. That always reminds me of my own mom. The wonderful story of four sisters (which is me in real life), one of which becomes an author (oh, there I am again), and the ever-patient mother who reigns in all the emotions and hormonal nightmares that come as part of the package with four daughters.

Little Women







My Mum is outstanding. I don’t know how she survived us four girls unscathed, and she still just keeps on giving. And even though she’s on the other side of the world where it’s not even Mother’s Day, I’ll be thinking of her, and thanking God for her.








This weekend, enjoy Mother’s Day if you’re a mom, give some extra love to the moms you know, and maybe even take some time for yourself and indulge in a good book.

Have a fabulous Friday!