It’s Friday and I’m coming up for air after a week in my “fiction land” writing world, feeling more than ready for some reality! So I’m taking a moment to reflect on the goodness of last weekend- EASTER! (Where did that whole week just go??)

I’m grateful for so many things…

Good Friday and Easter Sunday church services steeped in truth causing us to remember and rejoice,

Walking my doggy with my hubby,












Restaurants with lake views,

21 degree sunshine means cobalt blue skies to match cobalt blue skirt (oh yessss!),













Turkey dinner with family and friends,

Way too many chocolate Easter eggs (yep, mine have all gone- and it didn’t take long)

My Easter-ized strawberry cake- I’ve posted this before, but it’s been requested again so here it is:










Breaking in my new fabulous shoes without breaking my ankle (bought in the U.K. by my fabulous husband!),



Easter egg hunt at night- a little more fun for the teen boys,











But this year, the weekend was topped off by the most powerful baptismal service I have ever attended. Ever. 17 young people on fire for the Lord, giving testimonies of His faithfulness and saving power and then being baptized during a glorious worship time… it was a taste of Heaven.


(photo credit- Willow Park Church)













And my oldest son was one of the 17…

(photo credit- Willow Park Church)













It was spectacular. And so special to celebrate on Easter Sunday!


It’s good to come up for air and give thanks every now and then. You see with fresh eyes what blessings surround you, and how God is still working miracles 2000 years after he raised His Son from the dead.

Easter is just the beginning.

And I am grateful.

Have a fabulous Friday…