After living in the beautiful land of Canada for nearly twenty years, Lyndon and I will officially be CANADIAN CITIZENS tomorrow— and I get the chills just thinking about it! Our swearing in ceremony will make it all legit, and we will finally have dual citizenship. For real. This is a big deal, and I’m a little overcome by the whole thing.
I love Canada. Love, love, love. And Kelowna, B.C. is a fantastic place to call home, raise a family, build a business (oh wonderful husband), embrace visitors, follow my writing dreams, enjoy lake-life and mountain-life, and be part of a safe, wonderful community, not to mention an amazing, thriving church… need I say more?
Last Sunday, we had our Willow Park Church Kick-Off at Waterfront Park. I got to be part of the worship team, and it was one of those “am I in heaven?” experiences. There I was, alongside my super-talented friends, singing my little heart out on the Island Stage, looking out at hundreds of worshippers on the grassy hill, with a backdrop of lake and mountains. Surreal. A beautiful moment. I was definitely in Canada. I sort of wish I had snapped a quick to photo to capture and remember it, but then again, I think it was one of those occasions too special and intimate to cheapen with an Instagram. Know what I mean? 🙂
And while we did church out in the fresh air, with curious people wandering past us on a balmy Sunday evening, I was amazed anew at the blessing and privilege of our complete and utter freedom. Not only are we able to worship and pray and preach within the walls of our churches, but, good grief— we can even do it at the park, and then take the party onto the beach for baptisms. Whoa.
Right before thirty or so were baptized in the lake, we sang God of this City (you can listen to it HERE). It’s one of those songs that makes your gut clench, and leaves you feeling pumped and ready to roll up your sleeves for the Gospel.
“You’re the God of this City
You’re the King of these people
You’re the Lord of this nation
You are”
Humbling, isn’t it? Remembering how big God truly is. And how teeny-weeny we are. And how much He loves us.
“For greater things have yet to come
And greater things things are still to be done in this city”
It requires a response, and it’s hard to ignore. Your city, your town, your village, your country, your world. So much still to be done. Does our citizenship really mean very much to us? Does it give us a sense of belonging, of being home, of acting responsibly… even when it comes to doing ‘Jesus work’? Especially when it comes to doing ‘Jesus work’.
I have a city, and now I have a second country where I will be a citizen. (Tomorrow. Squeal.) I get dual citizenship (mustn’t forget the old country- love you, U.K.). But even in my excitement and pride, I must put it all in perspective. You see, I could be here on this earth another sixty years (oh please, no), or another sixty minutes. The citizenship I am REALLY anticipating and getting chills over is still ahead of me, and I don’t need to be sworn in… the price has already been paid, and it’ll be my forever home.
“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 3:20
Grateful for all three citizenships… 🙂
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