Am I the only one who thinks books make the very best gifts for all ages? I think not! And with Christmas fast approaching, if you have some littles on your list and would like to add to their mini-library with some meaningful titles, I have done the groundwork (it...
Where are my fellow homebodies? It’s that glorious time of year when we bring out the cozy throws and light the pumpkin candles—and my husband and I are celebrating living in our current house for exactly TWENTY years this month. I know. Craziness. As adventurers who...
It’s so easy to take familiar comforts for granted, don’t you think? Especially if we’ve always had them at our disposal. Clean water to drink, warm home in winter, coffee in the morning, a closet full of clothes—all the things. And then there’s the Bible. We can own...
Every so often I’m reminded of the power of the spoken word. Either by building up or tearing down—what we say has a lasting effect. And whether on the school playground, office water cooler, or church pew, our words are received. The question is, how do we ensure we...
In light of our recent local heatwave which has us thinking about water, water, and more water, I’ve pulled together six beach reads (plus a giveaway!) based on oceans and beaches with all the summery feels! So, if you’re hankering for a fabulous book to slip into...
What springs to mind when you hear the term “empty nesters”? For me, it used to conjure up images of a somewhat sad, middle-aged, saggy-baggy couple pining at home for the next visit from their kids. I know, that’s awful. But now I’m actually...