With Easter just around the corner, you may be looking for some gift ideas for the littles in your life… something with a little less sugar a little more substance, perhaps? You know I’m all about BOOKS being the very best gifts for all ages, and my...
Because we’re friends 🤗 I’m just going to confess up front that “waiting” is not my strong suit. Patience is not my proficiency. Delay is not my darling. But I think for all of us, the past couple of years has been a tough season of waiting. Waiting for change, for...
Anyone else adore cookbooks? It’s no secret that I love books in general but there’s something nostalgic and friendly about a good cookbook. It’s like someone pulling up a chair at the kitchen table and saying, “Here, check out these delicious...
How is the start of your New Year shaping up, friend? Personally, I find it helpful to lean into the great unknown of the coming months by focusing on one word. Just one little word to consider, reflect upon, pray over, and claim as my own for the year. To be honest,...
How has your reading life been in 2021, friend? If you’ve been around here for half a minute, you’ll know books are my constant companions and this year has brought a delightful plethora of new books across my lap. And so, as per my tradition, I have...
It’s no secret that I adore Advent. And as we navigate the final month of 2021, I’m dreaming of a LIGHT Christmas. Maybe a white one, too, but as my “one word” for this year is LIGHT, it seems fitting to peer through the shiny distractions of the season and focus on...