I’ll admit, I’m a sappy, happy, hopeless romantic, and one of my favourite things to do in the whole, wide world is go for beach walks with my man. Yes, I am a living, breathing “I enjoy long walks on the beach” cliché! During our 33 years together (totally can’t...
Apparently, we all just survived “Blue Monday”. Who knew that was a thing? The third Monday in January is supposedly the most depressing day of the year; Christmas is well and truly gone leaving only the bills in its wake, the sugar cookies are still on the hips, the...
Happy 2016 everyone! The Christmas tree is hibernating for another year, the yummy goodies are pretty much gone (oops), and school’s back in… normality reigns again! Are you feeling it— that anticipation of a clean slate, fresh goals, and new challenges? I’m not...
No, I’m not talking about any issues I may or may not have (although that would make for a very interesting blog post)— TEARS, FEARS, AND FAME is the name of my brand new book, and it’s been published just in time for Christmas! Best author Christmas present EVER!...
Hello December, you stealthy, surreptitious month, you! Every year without fail, you coyly hint at your upcoming arrival as soon as the temperature plummets; yet your entrance always manages to catch us by surprise. December, you certainly induce a racing heart— to-do...
…but now I think it’s a blessing of epic proportion. You see I, like many others (maybe even you, dear one), have long been a people-pleaser who just can’t seem to utter the word “no” when asked to do something—anything. It’s taken me many, many years to realize I can...