You guys, I know it’s Christmas and all, but I have personally discovered a new issue this season, which is far from festive: “Redundant Chauffeur-Mom Syndrome”. Have you heard of it? Maybe you suffer from it yourself or maybe you know someone who’s been there… or...
Who else here loves the idea of curling up with a fabulous book and a mug of hot chocolate, while the rest of the world goes into festive frenzy? Cheers! *insert happy mug clink* I just realized this weekend will be the first Advent Sunday, which tells me Christmas is...
Today I’m all about the poppy and The Nightingale…. hello, Remembrance Day. Much like you, I have been brought up to honour and appreciate the sacrifice made by soldiers past and present for our freedom—a two-minute silence, a poppy on the lapel, a...
“Mum, if you’re ever being attacked (!!!) you should shout, ‘Fire!’ because people will actually take notice and do something.” Hmm, wise words from my city-slicker daughter… and she’s absolutely right—sometimes we presume...
Pumpkins and praise— it’s Canadian Thanksgiving! Whether you are Canadian or not (my American friends can think of this as a warm-up for their November holiday—and my English friends can think of it as Harvest Festival on steroids) …what are YOU thankful for today? Is...
Do you ever feel the desperate need for a little perspective in life? Busyness, work, kids, family, church, relationships—they all require our undivided attention and sometimes we need reminding WHO we are and WHY we are here! We spin plates and juggle...