Exactly 23 years ago, we explored, dreamed, and discovered our way into Canada. I recently had the opportunity to write an article for the premier issue of iola magazine (just released, woot-woot!) and was asked to share about my home city in British Columbia. I...
Mind if we get real here for a minute or two? I’m just wondering— is comparison threatening to squish us as cheerleaders? We all know that “comparison is the thief of joy”, and that’s a quote by Theodore Roosevelt, who wasn’t even into...
January-overwhelm. I think it’s a thing. For some of us, January can be a tad stressful as we hear about everyone’s goals and dreams and resolutions and plans for the coming year! Diets and studies and jobs and fitness and travels and detoxing and...
So here we are again, friends— chomping at the bit for the coming year fresh from the festive season, armed with our #oneword365 for 2018. No resolutions for me, that’s way too stressful. Just my “one word” to plant in my heart and nurture my soul....
How on earth are we nearly at the end of 2017? Whaaat? Part of me is itching to be nostalgic and mushy and reminisce on all the things from this year, but I need to put on my sensible, bookish head and choose six sweet reads to share with you today. I know, just SIX,...
As Christmas looms large and Advent is upon us, are you feeling full of the fa-la-la-la’s or has the holly lost its jolly for you already? Amidst the crazy and colour and chaos and carols do you long for a little white space, breathing room, soul rest? Me too. I’m...