Musings of a multi-genre author, passionate about faith, family, and all things books…
30 Years… Thanks, Canada!
30 years ago this very day, we arrived at the Vancouver airport in Canada. February 24, 1995. A couple of adventurous Brits in their twenties toting their adorable two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, several overstuffed suitcases, and a backpack of random toys. Our dream to “live abroad” and experience life in a foreign-yet-friendly land was truly happening! Since then, we’ve had no regrets in making the momentous decision that would change the trajectory of our lives. So… thanks, Canada!
My “One Word” for 2025…
Happy New Year, friend! I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas season. As the tinsel and baubles are packed away and we teeter on the cusp of another year, I’m here again to share my “one word” for 2025… and fair warning: it’s somewhat lacking in originality and inspiration, but it is what it is. My word for this year is “NEW”.
Six Sweet Reads in 2024
As is my warm-and-fuzzy December tradition, here I am again with my humble bookish offering of six sweet reads I particularly enjoyed in 2024. Rather than vacillating willy-nilly between the 40-ish titles I’ve devoured over the past 12 months, I simply selected stories that I can’t shake. Unforgettable characters. Harrowing plots. You know the ones? Maybe you’ll find an intriguing option for yourself or even as a gift—because I don’t need to remind you that Christmas is just around the corner… ho ho ho!
My Christmas Novellas are Back!
Where did they go? Well, it’s quite the story, but the short version is that my award-winning novellas, THE CHRISTMAS CABIN and SNOW GLOBE SECRETS, are now available just in time for the festive season. Phew! Plus, they both have gorgeous fresh covers on the outside with the same beloved, suspenseful stories on the inside. Grab a mug of cocoa and let me explain…
Introducing Captured in Frame…
This week, my latest Christian romantic suspense novel, CAPTURED IN FRAME, was officially released into the world! My author copies arrived on my doorstep, there are blog tours and giveaways currently happening, and today is “Book Lovers Day”—so, it seems like the perfect time to introduce my book baby to you and give you a few extra tidbits…
Snow Globe Secrets Won a Book Award!
I’m absolutely delighted to share some exciting news—my Christmas novella, Snow Globe Secrets, just won a book award! In the 25th Annual Faith, Hope, & Love Christian Writers (FHLCW) Reader’s Choice Award, I won in the 2024 novella category! I’m grinning like the Cheshire Cat over here, and would love to thank some fabulous people for their part in this achievement…
Cover Reveal for Captured in Frame!
Oh my goodness, I have been waiting for MONTHS to share the cover reveal for Captured in Frame! This is the first novel in my “Bite of Betrayal” Christian romantic suspense series—to be published on August 5th by Mountain Brook Ink! I may be slightly biased, but isn’t she absolutely GORGEOUS?
Good Friday Darkness & Light
Are you afraid of the dark? If you’d asked me that particular question last week, I would have pulled a “duh, of course not” face and thought no more of it. But over the past few days during this Holy Week, I’ve been pondering GOOD FRIDAY DARKNESS & LIGHT and I now sheepishly raise my hand and admit that I might keep my upstairs hall light on every night—just in case (even though our kids are adults and all left home years ago) and I might keep the downstairs entrance light on—just in case (for the French bulldog, of course) …
Hemingway’s Home & Curious Cats!
As soon as we decided to book our recent trip to Florida, I made plans to visit the home of two legends: Mickey Mouse and Ernest Hemingway! I’m reporting back to tell you that neither disappointed. Of course, Disney is the happiest place on earth, but as a writer, my literary-geeky-self fawned and fangirled over every detail at the infamous Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum—including the sixty-one curious cats…
My “One Word” for 2024
Happy New Year, friend! Here we are again. Beautiful, blank planners ready to be filled with dreams and dates and deadlines. Possibilities hang heavy in the chilly air as we exhale from our season of festivities and think all things fresh and clean and new. After rather enjoying my last year’s word (STORY), I’ve spent some time pondering what my “one word” for 2024 might be, and it’s not dramatic or daring or dazzling. It’s “WISDOM”…