“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
A somewhat timely verse for my family as we embark upon a radical adventure—planning my daughter’s wedding. There are time restraints, budgets, geographical hurdles, and a thousand and one decisions to be made. Most of them in the next few weeks. It’s exciting, joyous, stressful and nerve-wracking all at the same time. A perfect opportunity to become completely unraveled…
How often do we throw our hands up in the air out of frustration rather than lifting them up as an invitation to give it all over to the Lord?
A new job, a relationship decision, moving house, seeking medical treatment, choosing University courses, “WHATEVER YOU DO”, any choices and decisions you need to make in life, “COMMIT TO THE LORD”. Hand it over, have enough faith to let it go, and listen with a keen ear for His whisper and His guidance. I know… it’s easier said than done.
I sometimes think God wouldn’t be terribly interested in the minutia of my life. In the colossal scheme of the universe, my decisions and details are comparatively petty. But I forget that God is a god of details. We need only consider a single aspect of creation to work that one out.
Remember the verse in Luke 12 that speaks of the hairs on our head being numbered? That’s detail. He cares about what I care about. And so surely when we have a major plan that needs some serious steering, or even a minor decision that needs a little tweaking, I need to commit it to the Lord rather than stewing and sweating and wallowing in my unorganized vortex of chaos.
I need to lift my hands up, rather than throw my hands up.
I can’t count the number of times God has pleasantly surprised me by providing a way through my jungle of plans, completely exceeding my expectations. He is God, I realize, and I should expect the extraordinary, but it still thrills my heart to know He truly cares. Life is too short to spend chunks of it in frustration and bewilderment —if only we have the courage and faith to commit everything to the Lord, He won’t leave us high and dry with a mountain of spreadsheets and to-do lists.
“HE WILL ESTABLISH YOUR PLANS.” And that’s incredibly comforting. Especially when there’s a wedding with some serious planning in full swing. Whatever is overwhelming you at the moment, try lifting your hands up rather than throwing them up. We have a God who cares more than we can ever imagine, and He is the ultimate Master Planner.