Glossy hair, dewy skin, shimmering legs, highlighted locks, and illuminated cheekbones—we are obsessed with the ability to shine! Have you ever considered why? Does it make us look thinner, prettier, captivating and a little alluring perhaps? That extra shaft of light catches the eye and stops us in our tracks, enticing us take a second look. It’s beautiful.



But have you ever encountered someone who may not be stunning at first glance, but their beauty literally shines through and draws you in? There’s just something about their eyes/ smile/ laugh… they are timeless and warm in their beauty and the joy seems to eek out at every opportunity. Maybe you watch them go through a really tough season and still their light is steady and true. It’s mesmerizing. Their light is shining.

“What matters is not your outer appearance—the styling of your hair, the jewelry you wear, the cut of your clothes—but your inner disposition. Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 (The Message)

Let’s be honest, ladies, we’ve all heard the “beauty comes from within” euphemism and rolled our eyes, just slightly! We know that you can “dress her up but you can’t take her out” no matter how gorgeous she looks if she has a potty mouth. But the pressure for physical perfection is so unrealistic and obsessive—when deep down what we really long for is joy and peace, and for that to spill over to those around us. That’s beautiful, right?

We can try products and programs and nip and tuck and primp and plump, but at the end of the day, the only place where we find unfading beauty is in Jesus. The Light of the World.

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 (NIV)

So how on earth do we dig in and get serious about being light, shining His beauty around the place? It’s not by fixating on our appearance—we know that. It’s not by navel-gazing and listening to our “inner voice”, dwelling on our own shortcomings and imperfections. We are to look to Jesus, keep our eyes fixed on Him, immerse ourselves in the Word, and allow His Spirit to work in us and through us.



This light, this beauty is for real and it’s forever. No fading, growing out, or rubbing off. Light dispels darkness. Always. Go into a pitch-black room with a lit candle and everyone notices.

Jesus tells us that when we are His followers, WE shine as the light of the world, too. We carry His light, His love for all to see—and that, sweet friend, is the deepest beauty imaginable.

“This little light of mine… I’m gonna let it shine”


(This article was published in NO COMPROMISE magazine’s Dec.2016 issue)

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