I’m a big fan of the word “tapestry”. You know how certain words evoke richness and wondrous visuals and all sorts of possibilities? Well “tapestry” does it for me. Weird? Possibly. But here’s the thing—my article “A story of Survival: Mother of the Bride” was recently accepted into a local anthology, and they selected my suggested book title: “An Okanagan Tapestry”. Happy dance right here.




In case you’re not a local, “Okanagan” is the beautiful Canadian valley we call home, and this book is a collaboration of authors, poets, artists, and photographers all living in this area of British Columbia. Who knew we have so many artsy types living in the hood? Last weekend we had a mass book signing for the book hot off the press, and I got to meet a whole host of the Tapestry “threads”:








So much fun to get together with fellow writers! Flicking through the pages of the new, shiny book, it’s evident that we are all from VERY different walks of life. We are a variety of ages, nationalities, beliefs, passions, and talents—yet somehow it works to have all our stories and images woven into the pages of An Okanagan Tapestry.

The definition of “tapestry” is “a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weng colored weft threads”. But it’s also “used in reference to an intricate or complex combination of things”. Bingo. That’s us, right? Whether we are a group of writers, a classroom of scholars, a boardroom of business folk, or a church of believers… we are intricate, complex combination of people, and that’s what makes life fascinating. Yes, it requires grace and patience and understanding as we communicate and journey side-by-side, but we are unique and exquisitely created to do life TOGETHER.

A single thread is pretty weak and, let’s be honest, not terribly exciting. But woven into a tapestry, that little thread can be part of something of strong—breathtaking and beautiful.

I found the word “tapestry” in the Bible (you knew I would, right?) “I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God.” (Colossians 2:2 The Message). In other versions, it calls for the readers to be encouraged, united, and knit together in love. How about it? How’s your tapestry going? Is it exclusive, all encompassing, threadbare, or vibrant?

My tapestry is a constant work in progress, to be honest. I have to go back and unpick certain areas and take note when parts are getting patchy or faded. Reaching out and loving others isn’t just a nice idea, it’s the makings of a tapestry where we can live out our calling.




For now, my tapestry is in the Okanagan. Mighty thankful for that…. 🙂

Weave away, friends…

*And if you fancy a copy of An Okanagan Tapestry, be sure to subscribe to my quarterly newsletter “Laura’s Letters” at the top of this page. It’s part of my fall giveaway!*






Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out:

Holley-Gerth-Button-250x250Blessing-Counters-Linkup-Big1-e1398708603671Thought-Provoking-Thursday-Buttontellhisstory-badgefaith filled friday