So I realize I’m at least a week behind the rest of the world, but I had the urge to share my word for 2015— you know how we wordies love to have “a word”! And mine is…. (drum roll)… PRESENT. Not the gift kind of present, although I’m also very partial to that, but the “being in the moment” kind of present. Being fully there in mind and spirit, not just physically existing. Enjoying, entering in, participating. PRESENT. I like my word.


Last year, my word was “OPEN”. I longed to open my eyes, my heart, and God’ Word. I wanted to be open to whatever He asked me to do, even the uncomfortable and un-Lauralike.



It was a doozy of a year. It included 3 flights to Montreal, 2 children graduating, one daughter’s wedding, a new marriage book published, my first attempt at self-publishing a picture ebook, time with Mickey Mouse, we became Canadian citizens, and a hairy trip to India was arranged. I was open to go with the flow, and the flow was FAST. And good. What an amazing year!

I think if I learned anything through 2014, it was that I need to make a conscious effort to be in the moment, whether it’s a wedding or a coffee date. It made me aware of that stream of sand slipping through life’s hourglass, and the importance of being wholeheartedly present for my family, friends, church, and God. That’s my goal for this year.




Did I mention that I’m leaving for India in a week? A week. Yikes. I feel so unprepared for what awaits me, but I know this much— I am going to be PRESENT. This is an amazing, God-given opportunity, and I don’t want to miss a thing. Oh there will be photographs to remind us of our adventure, and I’m taking my journal to record everything and everyone, but while I am there, I want to be THERE. Know what I mean? I want to look those beautiful people in the eye and give them my undivided attention. I want to absorb and inhale the culture (minus the mosquitoes). I want to love and encourage everyone I meet, and I can only do that if I am PRESENT, in the moment, not anxious about contracting malaria or what will be in the curry that night. It’s going to be awesome 🙂


Red Dress with Flowers and Beads


As I ponder what I might share with the churches there, I am drawn to that fabulous story from Mark 14, where Mary worships Jesus by breaking a jar of crazy-expensive perfume and anointing Him with it. It was a lavish gesture, completely extravagant, and utterly reckless. And Jesus calls this “a beautiful thing”; beautiful because there were no distractions, no ulterior motives, nothing else mattered to Mary at that moment except Jesus. She was PRESENT in every way, soaking in the love of her Lord. Such a tremendous example for us…


After India, I’m not sure what this year will hold for me. But I don’t want to spend it anxiously planning and looking ahead, or even peering behind to watch my wobbly wake. My goal is to be PRESENT. What’s your word for the year? I’d love to know I’m not the only one with lofty intentions!


Belated Happy New Year!






Linking up with some fabulous encouragers:

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