This week, my latest Christian romantic suspense novel, CAPTURED IN FRAME, was officially released into the world! My author copies arrived on my doorstep, there are blog tours and giveaways currently happening, and today is “Book Lovers Day”—so, it seems like the perfect time to introduce my book baby to you and give you a few extra tidbits…


“Desperate to begin a new chapter after a heartbreaking betrayal, Canadian photographer Georgia Brooks retreats to her quaint English cottage—

only to discover she could be in possession of incriminating evidence framing a criminal ring in the ugly underbelly of the art world.”



🎁 I’m sharing lots of behind-the-scenes and extras in several blog interviews this launch week—and if you catch them in the next few days, you’ll be able to enter the giveaways for paperback copies of Captured in Frame… one giveaway includes a personalized copy, a very cool Captured in Frame canvas tote bag, and a $25 Amazon gift card!

Here are some sneak peaks:

  • About my fictional village, Bramble Downs: “It’s everything one might imagine a sleepy English country village to be—a patchwork of emerald fields with lazy, winding roads, and a timeless sense of nostalgia seeping from stout chimneys on every thatched cottage along the way. Moth-eaten donkeys bray as they dawdle in the road and stall traffic, and church bells ring out from the ancient steeple which, according to tradition, has been preserved hundreds of years. This is a gentle place of Wellington boots, roast beef, and rose trellises…”  *Read more about all things England and check out the giveaway HERE.


  • About the inspiration for Captured in Frame: “In 2019, while I was staying with one of my sisters in her charming little English village, I considered what it might look like for a heartbroken woman to move there hoping to find peace and quiet, only to discover her life was in grave danger. (My suspense brain always has to mess with a sweet story.) Then one rainy evening, I conjured up a grizzly, bearded character in my wild imagination and pictured him standing at my sister’s French doors, huge and drenched wearing a full-length oilskin coat…”  *Read the rest of my interview and enter the giveaway HERE.


  • About the romance: “How soon after meeting the heroine did the hero know she was the one? Will was smitten and intrigued the first time he met Georgia at her cottage. With no intention of being in a serious relationship, he tried to suppress his feelings—but within days he knew she was special, and their dangerous predicament only accelerated their inevitable connection…”  *Find out more about Georgia & Will, and see giveaway details HERE.




If you’re curious about reading Captured in Frame, here are a few early reviews from readers:

“Wow! Why have I not been reading Laura Thomas’ books before now?? I devoured Captured in Frame in one sitting, each new layer pulling me further into the story and keeping me on the edge of my seat.”

“Captured in Frame snaps a picture-perfect story filled with rich emotions, gripping suspense, and real, authentic faith.”

“A chilling, thrilling suspense tale by master storyteller Laura Thomas! This is book one in the Bite of Betrayal series which leaves you impatiently yearning for book two!”

So, so kind! You can find all the details, book trailer, and buying links on my website HERE or find me in all the usual bookish places…


And if you want to see the oh-so-exciting unboxing of my author copies from earlier this week(!), check it out HERE.


Finally, in all my books, I write with the ultimate desire to inspire fiction readers in their REAL lives with my stories of hope. In Captured in Frame and its overarching themes of forgiveness and the beauty of second chances, I long for the reader to take away this truth: with God, there is always hope and you are always loved.

I pray this resonates and resounds for each and every reader…

Happy Book Lovers Day and happy reading, friend. Until next time,

P.S. If you want to stay up to date with all my writing news, plus enjoy book giveaways, reading recommendations, and baking recipes—be sure to sign up for my free monthly newsletter, LAURA’S LETTERS and get your freebie HERE.



Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out: