If you came into my office right now, I might just die on the floor a little. I’m totally all over the place—binders, books, boxes, notebooks (granted, they are rather pretty), and piles of “to do” stuff all over the place. It’s not how I usually roll, but this week it’s just how my head is. All over the place. “Why?” I hear you ask. I’m recovering from having my mind utterly blown at the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal Conference in Seattle. It’s like I have “writers’ hangover”… :/
You know how it is when you go to a conference of any kind—you are beautifully bombarded with lectures and workshops and meetings and socials until you feel your head might actually implode. It takes a month to let it all sink in and marinate. But it is SO worthwhile!
If you write in any capacity whatsoever, you know how exhilarating it is to actually hang out with other bookish-types who experience similar writing struggles and joys. Rooms packed full of introverts all hoping against hope that there will be one token extrovert present to lead the discussion and break the ice. It’s awesome! For most, it’s a chance to think about goals and the process of achieving them.
Life goals, writing goals, financial goals, spiritual goals… we all have them and are either actively pursuing them or perhaps they are buried somewhere so dark and dank we almost forget they are there. But surely with this one fragile life to live and all the opportunities available to us, we should be running full pelt toward our passion (whatever that might be), fearlessly trying doors and making every single day count. Our keynote speaker at the conference is quite simply the Yoda of Writing, and I hung on his every word. Doc Hensley offered this advice:
“As you consider your goals, consider your God.”
Ah yes. If we believe this passion is of God, then are we putting God in a box, restricting Him to our time limitations, and disqualifying the possibility of miracles? Oooo. “God will anoint us to do what He wants us to do.” Yes, Doc Hensley, I think you are right. And when it comes to setting our goals and following the plan, we need a truckload of WISDOM. (Enter Proverbs…)
*HANG WITH SMART PEOPLE: “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” Proverbs 15:22
*PRAY ABOUT IT (A LOT): “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16:3
*READ GOD’S WORD: “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6
(SIDENOTE: I figure I can do with all the wisdom I can get, so I’ve just ordered this super pretty devo book from She Reads Truth— Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom. Check it out. You are welcome.)
Taking it a step further, my writing goals and your “whatever else” goals are all well and good, but ultimately, do we have our eyes on THE prize? Are we going for THE goal? You know, the really cool one that makes everything else pale in comparison—an eternity in glory? Personally, I get so incredibly distracted along my spiritual journey. Like “squirrel” distracted. In my prayers, I find my mind wandering from praying for our dear friends and the church in India to suddenly contemplating making curry for supper tonight. Then later I’ll Google info on a Bible verse and suddenly get tempted by Twitter or fascinated with Facebook. Hopeless. I need focus and I need it now. (I also need to tidy my desk.)
I need wisdom to follow my goal and follow my God. How ‘bout you?
“I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” Philippians 3:14 (The Message)
Thanks for listening to my ramblings, dear friends…
Blessings & Joy as you run toward the goal!
Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out: