“My frame was not hidden from you, when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body…” Psalm 139 v.15-16a
Dancing with dolphins has never actually been on my “bucket list”, but when the opportunity presented itself in Jamaica, my family jumped at the chance. Quite honestly, I was somewhat petrified, and even had nightmares leading up to the event, where a deranged dolphin dragged me to the depths of the ocean. I know, dolphins are so terrifying!
When crunch time came, the experience was, in fact, quite magnificent. The dolphin, named Beta, felt as smooth as silk, was tremendously playful, and had absolutely no desire to drown me! We swam, danced and even kissed her. Our entertaining Jamaican dolphin dude regaled us with a plethora of facts about this beautiful creature, and one in particular stuck with me.
He asked if any of us were pregnant. I had a flashback of morning sickness just thinking about it. He then went on to explain that a dolphin could actually detect pregnancy through the water, due to its powerful sonar abilities. Amazing!
I was immediately drawn to Psalm 139. The Creator and Sustainer of life itself actually wove ME together in “the depths of the earth”. I am no accident; I am perfectly formed by One who makes no mistakes. If God created a dolphin that could sense new life, how much more does He Himself know when one is formed? This causes me to feel loved even more deeply by my Heavenly Father.
Do you need reminding that you are His beloved child? That He made you in “the secret place”? I am so thankful that He reveals His truth and grace through His creation- even while dancing with dolphins.