Last summer, I had this crazy notion. My latest novel, CAPTURED IN FRAME, had just been released and I was in that “honeymoon phase” when an author can’t stop staring at her book cover with eyes of adoration. My publisher completely nailed this cover and I was especially thrilled that they included a charming pink cottage. And so, I began scheming An Author’s Brave Day…
You have to bear in mind that I’m rather a sensible introvert and not one usually given to harebrained schemes or getting my brave on. Yet that pink cottage—it spoke to me. Way back in January 2019, actually.
I was in England staying with my sister, Heidi, and her family in their darling countryside village—which I later fictionalized and named “Bramble Downs”. You can read more HERE about how I terrified said sister one dark and gloomy evening with a very sinister jumping point for a new suspense story, but on a much lighter and more delightful note, I also found “Bramble Cottage”.
Whilst walking the pugs in a dreary drizzle that was everything one would expect from a British January, Heidi and I came upon an utterly dreamy thatched cottage amidst hedgerows and gnarly ancient trees. It was PINK. It was perfect. It was my “Bramble Cottage”.
If you’ve read CAPTURED IN FRAME, you’ll know that Bramble Cottage has a starring role in this Christian romantic suspense novel—and it also features in Book 2 (coming this June) and Book 3 (coming June 2026). That original pink cottage inspired me somehow. It reminded me of my own dear English grandmother and I had so much fun making the cottage a beloved part of my fictional family.
So… when I began planning a research trip to England and had that crazy notion as I gazed at my book cover—I decided I had to return to “Bramble Downs” with my sister and knock on the door of that same pink cottage. I would introduce myself as a Canadian author who was originally from England and I would gush about their darling pink cottage and how it inspired my story a full 6 years ago. Gulp.
This past month, that’s exactly what I did!
I flew to England, grabbed my sister, tucked a signed copy of CAPTURED IN FRAME under my arm, and I had myself An Author’s Brave Day in “Bramble Downs”.
Was my husband back in Canada worried I may be arrested for scaring an innocent cottage owner? Yes. Did I feel sick to my stomach as we marched down the garden path and I rapped on the iron knocker of the wooden front door framed with rose hips? Yes. Did I wonder if the owner might be an axe-murderer who would lure my sis and me inside, never to be seen again? Yes. (I’m a suspense writer, after all.) This, however, is how it went down:
- The sweetest, kindest elderly lady answered the door wearing a pink sweater. (Perfection!)
- Once I presented my spiel about her cottage being my inspiration, she was absolutely delighted.
- She clutched the signed copy of my book tightly against her chest and thanked me.
- She even apologized that her pink cottage had faded slightly in the past 6 years.
- We chatted about the naughty cows, took photos, I thanked her profusely, and left her with a letter explaining again who I was and why I had gifted her this book.
This, my friend, goes down as being a definite highlight in my writing career.
Lesson for Laura (and maybe for you, too): When you have the opportunity to go out on a limb and thank someone, bless someone, show a little kindness or share your story—have yourself a brave day and do it!
If you haven’t yet read award-winning CAPTURED IN FRAME, or you would like to gift a copy—details are HERE!
If you have read it, thank you so much and hang in there because THE FINAL WORD (Book 2 in the Bite of Betrayal series) is coming out in June and preorders will be coming very soon… stay tuned.
Until next time,
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