30 years ago this very day, we arrived at the Vancouver airport in Canada. February 24, 1995. A couple of adventurous Brits in their twenties toting their adorable two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, several overstuffed suitcases, and a backpack of random toys. Our dream to “live abroad” and experience life in a foreign-yet-friendly land was truly happening! Since then, we’ve had no regrets in making the momentous decision that would change the trajectory of our lives. So… thanks, Canada!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
Living in an unimaginable pre-Google era, we had absolutely no idea what to expect when we landed in British Columbia. The relaxed way of life, wide open spaces, the majestic beauty of nature, the weird obsession with Tim Hortons… it was a mystery yet to be unraveled. Coming from the UK with no jobs, no home, all furniture and worldly belongings in a shipping container somewhere en route—we were embarking on a journey one tends to make when young and impulsive!
But we soon discovered that Canadians are AMAZING. We’d heard rumours of their friendliness and soon we knew it to be a reality. We were embraced and loved and nurtured as we began to settle on the west coast—and then six weeks later, we made our move to Kelowna in the gorgeous Okanagan Valley.
And we’ve been here ever since. Three decades. We’re Canadian citizens and everything!
Uprooting from all things comfortable and safe to start a life in a brand-new country is equal parts exciting and terrifying. Of course, I chose to lean into the exciting back in the day (that was definitely the spiral permed, twenty-something Laura!) and our courage eventually enabled us to follow more dreams; growing our family, my husband starting his own business, and me becoming a published author. We truly believe God led us specifically to the city of Kelowna, where we raised our three now-adult kids and made oh-so-many family memories. Now, as grandparents and empty nesters with a needy French bulldog, we continue to be grateful for this city, this province, this country.
30 years ago back in England, my dad gave me a Bible verse when we emigrated, and that same verse is as true today as ever. It’s one I take to heart as my own children and grandchildren live scattered across the country:
“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:9-10
It’s a beautiful reminder that the world really isn’t so big, not when we have the same God orchestrating everything. He sees us, He knows us, and He loves us extravagantly.
Wherever we are.
So, today and every day—I’m thankful for Canada. Glorious and free. Our home sweet home.
Blessings & joy,
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