Hands up who’s ready for spring! For those of us who haven’t seen our lawns in 3 solid months, the thought of blossoms and tulips and sunshine and warmth makes us giddy. That beam of sunlight in my living room early this morning? It shone hope and promise of all things un-winter. It also exposed those floaty-fairy dust particles and reminded me that cleaning is a spring thing. Also, it’s entirely possible that our souls are in need of a spring clean…



Is your soul feeling a little frayed and frostbitten after a long season of winter? Mine is. Just as my body suddenly yearns for long walks in the warm sunshine, so, too, my soul yearns to be stretched and watered after a somewhat stagnant season of comfortable coziness.

What are your feelings on spring cleaning? Are you chomping at the bit to get your house in order or do you cringe at the never-ending to-do list? I chomp and I cringe. But before I tackle my home, I’m thinking it’s wise to tackle my heart. My soul. My insides.

“Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,

  scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.

  Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,

  set these once-broken bones to dancing.

  Don’t look too close for blemishes,

  give me a clean bill of health.

  God, make a fresh start in me,

  shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.” Psalm 51:7-10 (The Message)


For your cleaning pleasure, I have a few little SOUL SPRING CLEANING TIPS:

  • DEEP CLEAN: Just as David pleaded that God would create in him a clean heart, we can ask for cleansing and forgiveness as we begin a new, fresh season. His scrubbing is gentle and His whites are so bright.
  • TAKE STOCK: Look at what you have around you. With a heart full of gratitude, make an effort to thank God for His goodness in your life. It’s easy to get caught in the ditch of discontent until we count our blessings and allow our hearts to swell in thanksgiving.
  • SIMPLIFY: Who doesn’t crave white space in their lives? Less stuff, less commitments, less stress. What can you simplify in your life to give your soul some white space? Less social media? Less Netflix? More prayer time? More room for your family?
  • OPEN THE WINDOWS: Let nature in and then go out and bask in the beauty of creation. Fresh air is good for both body and soul. Exercise, move, walk, run, and allow nature to inspire you.
  • OPEN THE DOOR: After winter hibernation, it’s wonderful to be able to connect with other humans and invite them into our (spring-cleaned or not-so-much) homes. Putting others first, throwing perfection out the (open) window, and having a heart of hospitality and kindness is soul-warming. Even if it’s just for a cup of tea (remember simplify?)
  • LEMONY FRESH: Lemon is not only good for cleaning, it’s awesome in baking. I realize baking is not everyone’s jam, but it’s mine. For some of us, baking is good for the soul— I kid you not. It’s therapeutic and life-giving and brings a crazy amount of joy. Here’s a recipe for my latest lemon love:


ICED LEMON POUND CAKE by Sally’s Baking Addiction


And finally, as a writer, I have to recommend a couple of fabulous books to take you into spring.

“You don’t have to be blooming to be growing.” Ruth Chou Simons

Isn’t that a comfort for those of us who maybe have had a tough winter? God still works in us and through us when we feel like we’re not producing anything worth writing home about. Ruth Chou Simons shares her thoughts on seasons of life in her stunning book GraceLaced (I know, I already raved about it HERE  but you ALL need a copy!) Her gorgeous artwork and encouraging words are truly inspiring. I’ve included my Amazon affiliate links in case you want to grab one now (full disclosure) which means I get a tiny commission while you pay the regular price for any of the books. The link for GraceLaced is HERE.




And now she has a brand-new book, Garden of Truth, coming out in April… I can’t wait! I pre-ordered my copy today and if you would like, you can pre-order your Garden of Truth HERE.

“It only takes a minute to refocus, reset, and rehearse truth to ourselves… the truth of God’s Word instead of our own frantic worries and fears.” Ruth Chou Simons

Sounds like a super way to spring into a brand new season!

Happy spring cleaning, friends!

P.S. Fancy springing into spring with my FREE e-book devotional? Sign up HERE for DIAMOND DEVOS 31… live out your purpose and passion with wisdom and strength!



Linking up with some fabulous encouragers! Check them out: