It’s huge. It’s addictive. It’s a virtual pin board enticing all visually creative types to join the fastest growing social network out there. It’s PINTEREST!

Some of you will be smiling and nodding, safe in the knowledge your boards are fully stocked and looking mighty fine…  others will be furrowing brows and wondering what on earth I’m talking about. Let me take a minute to throw the basics out there.

Pinterest is picture sharing. I admit I was very skeptical at first glance- what’s the point in making “pin boards” with pictures of stuff? Will other people really be bored and/or nosey enough to want to look at my gleanings? Answer: oh yes. I can make a pin board on whatever topic I like, and then add pictures from the internet or “repin” from the vast array already displayed on Pinterest. It’s incredibly (thankfully) easy.

It does sound kinda lame when you merely read about it, but once you actually get started, it’s so much fun! Not compared to bungee jumping or scuba diving, but as much fun as you can possibly have on a computer. Disclaimer: I am not in any way, shape or form a “gamer” and I honestly can’t for the life of me understand what the attraction is. Therefore, I think Pinterest may possibly be the female version of gaming. There- I said it!

Who on earth uses Pinterest?

Brides-to-be plan their whole wedding on boards

Teen girls with a love for fashion find their flavor

Young moms share craft ideas for their toddlers

Jewelry makers display their wares

Architects discover latest trends in building

Foodies share old recipes and experiment with new ones

Vacation planners view the spectacular spectrum of options available in travel

Photographers pin their most dazzling shots

Avid readers have the opportunity to share book reviews

Homeowners gain inspiration for their latest project

Animal lovers pin the cutest critters

And authors….

Well there’s a thought. When I first dipped my big toe in the Pinterest ocean, it was purely for the sake of fru-fru pleasure. Instead of watching T.V. or reading, I would pin for a while to relax. I liked to look at clothes, food, books and vacation destinations. Just window shopping cool stuff from my couch, and grouping it on pin boards. On the practical side, I have tried some of the recipes and they have all been INCREDIBLE!

In April, we decided to include my Pinterest details at the back of my book, alongside my website and Facebook page. Feeling the pressure to do something worthwhile with this opportunity to market/ encourage/ inspire readers, I have now made my Pinterest more “author-ish”.

You’ll find a board of “TEARS TO DANCING” NOVEL INSPIRATION (which is interesting for the reader plus such a great asset for me, giving solid visuals in planning my next book); BOOK NOOKS- a board full of great reading areas to curl up with a book; WRITING ROOMS– one with fanciful writing spaces: FOR THE PLEASURE OF READING– some of the books I’ve read: and WORDS OF WISDOM with meaningful Bible verses. Of course I still have my plethora of fashion, food, seasons and other such frivolous items, but I’m happy to have found a place to organize  my visuals. I think that means I’m not wasting time when I’m busily pinning…

Now if you’re shaking your head, I’m guessing you’re either NOT a visual person by any stretch of the imagination… or you’re a male! (Pinterest is definitely a greater hit with the female population.) I can understand your reluctance to dabble in yet another social network.

There are some strong negatives attached to the whole premise- such as the covetous nature of pinning stuff we “need”, living in a “make-believe” world of beautiful pin boards could cause some to lose touch with reality, the temptation to waste countless hours which could be better spent elsewhere, not to mention the risk of inappropriate material making an ugly appearance (they do try to keep tabs, but it must be a nightmare!) Take heed:

As with all social media, it is what you make it. My measuring stick is to consider what I would do if it was all suddenly removed forever. In this instance, I may utter “Bummer!”, but I certainly wouldn’t be shedding any tears.

So, if used wisely, this little honey can be advantageous to your business, increase your audience, boost your culinary repertoire significantly, and you are guaranteed NEVER to be a contestant on “What Not To Wear”.

Pinterested yet? Check out my boards and let me know what you think!

I have it constantly on my homepage:

Or you can click here:

If you “follow me” I will solemnly take on the responsibility to pin wisely with all due diligence…

Happy pinning!